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The baroque heart of Sicily

The baroque heart of Sicily

Ragusa, the southernmost provincial capital of Italy, rises on the Iblei Mountains and is located in the south-eastern part of Sicily. “The island in the island“, as it is often called, given its different history compared to the rest of the region. It was completely destroyed by the earthquake of 1693 and was rebuilt according to the canons of the late Baroque in Ragusa Superiore and Ragusa Ibla.

Staying with us you can get a day off, put away tourist guides and wander aimlessly through the narrow streets and stairways of this neighborhood. Ibla is the typical neighborhood that you have to visit with your eyes turned upwards to find, under the balconies of the buildings, stone masks that watch you pass!

The city of Ragusa became famous because here were filmed many scenes of the Italian television series Inspector Montalbano, turning the main square in the square of Vigata.

Many interesting events are also organized in Ragusa:

Ibla Busker, usually at the beginning of October, a festival of street artists, which every year populates the city streets with artists from all over the world.

A tutto volume, mid-June, the festival of books and readers, among the most awaited in the publishing sector between exhibitions, workshops, readings, lectio magistralis, meetings, discussions and debates.

Ibla Grand Prize, from June to July, is an international competition for pianists, singers, instrumentalists and composers. It is possible to attend beautiful concerts spread over many streets and palaces of Ibla.

Sky Arte Television has dedicated an episode to our city, below you can see the trailer.

Ragusa e Ibla – Fiori di pietra

Un viaggio alla ricerca dell’essenza di uno degli angoli più affascinanti della Sicilia, attraverso l’arte, il paesaggio e la storia della sua gente accompagnati dalla voce di Giovanni Caccamo. Questa sera alle 21.15 «Ragusa e Ibla – Fiori di pietra».

Pubblicato da Sky Arte su Giovedì 13 giugno 2019


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